5 tips that will impact the way you tackle your 2019 goals for a year of success

Georgina Fihosy

Posted on 24 January 2019

5 tips that will impact the way you tackle your 2019 goals for a year of success

We all rush towards the end of the year to our new planners, notebooks and to do lists. We set goals but by week 3 these things can often start to gather dust and we are back into the circle of life doing the same things we’ve always done. Months start to run away, and things are not being achieved.

Without planning and action, you can feel disorganised, disappointed and stressed, you name it. The question is what can we do to break that cycle and how do we stay on track? We have shared some useful tips you can take away and implement today.


Have a place to note your plans

Stationary can be very useful for keeping notes, ideas and plans, it has many uses, So, if you have got a calendar, notebook, diary or anything along those lines from a loved one for Christmas that is still not being used, now is the time to pull it out and utilize it. Don’t have one…perfect excuse to go and treat yourself.

We will be working on a selection of Afrocentric notebooks for you to choose from this year so keep an eye out. If you are anything like us you can keep it as creative as you like.


  • Note your goals. List everything, leave no stone unturned.
  • Write a daily diary acknowledging achievements for the day that backs your goals.


  • Pin it where you will see it! Use big fat markers and highlight key dates and things to do. This can work digitally to and does have perks that can’t be ignored, like alerts and reminders. With the hectic lives, we lead this really does come in handy.


Start small and be consistent

It’s always easy to talk the talk but can we walk the walk. Our own plans can become overwhelming meaning that sometimes we set ourselves up to fail just by thinking it’s unachievable, too hard or feeling like we just can’t do it!

Be realistic with yourself by doing something small every day. It can be as simple as picking up the phone, exercising or reading a page of a book. Don’t just say you are going to do it, set it in stone. Set up a reminder so that you make sure you do that one thing you commit to each day.


“Slow progress is better than no progress! At the end of the year, things will be looking a whole lot different.”


Surround yourself with reminders of your goals

Whether you are planning to get your dream next purchase, move home, learn something new or travel, a vision board is a way to represent your goals in a fun, creative personal way.

The aim is to be reminded of what you are working towards at a glance. This keeps you focused, excited and keeps your goals constantly at the forefront of your mind.


You need a not to-list not another to-do list

A standard routine is to focus on what it is we need to get done and then we go about our days to accomplish this. Do you notice how many things you end up doing that don’t support your goals or is completely distracting you from achieving them? Noting down a list of things ‘not to do’ will make sure that you are not completely side-tracked and are reminded of the things you know you need to avoid doing like the plague.


As well as supporting your goals you need to support you

Who said talking to yourself is a sign of madness! Wrong, it can be the sanest thing you do. Give yourself a pep talk in the morning, remind yourself by saying out loud how well you have done and how well you will continue to do. It’s easy to get caught up on the things we didn’t do or didn’t succeed at, but you get nowhere focusing on the negatives.


How we have been using these tips

These are all planning tips we use here at Special Touch Designs to keep us on track and have helped us over the last few months as we plan how we simplify our offering and execute our rebrand. All to be revealed! 

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1 comment

  • Penny Tillman: August 17, 2019

    These tips are on the money and can be transformed for all age groups, especially seniors whose goals may differ, but it will aid them in applying the tips for remembrance

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