How to Prepare for Going From Autumn to Winter When You Run a Small Business

The summer is over and the kids are back at school, so now is the time to knuckle down and prepare your small business to go through autumn to winter. This time of year can be magical, but it is also very busy and there are a huge number of considerations you need to make to ensure you are on top of everything at the end of the year.
From planning ahead to looking after yourself in the colder and darker reaches of the year, I have put together a range of tips for making sure you make the most of your autumn and winter seasons, rather than hibernating until next spring!
Use the Promotional Opportunities
The great thing about this time of year is that there are so many celebrations to join in with that can help promote your business. There is Halloween, then Bonfire Night and, after that, the run up to Christmas.
In addition, people’s lifestyles change during these seasons. As they spend more time indoors, there are many more chances to reach out to them via the social media apps on their phones. Can you keep them entertained, informed or amused as they wrap up warm on the sofa? If so, you could win over a new customer.
Plan Well For Promos
The fact that there are so many big dates around this time of year is great, but you need to be able to make the most of all of these special events. You have to plan well for them. Can you turn around your Halloween promotions and then swap them out for fireworks-related activities within a week? With the right plan in place, of course you can.
The work needs to start early, so that you have the right advertising and marketing in place, the adjustments have been made to the back end of your website, you have updated the front end and your social media is on point to guide people to your promotions too. This is all in addition to your regular tasks, so setting a plan in place in advance is essential to help you fold these additional duties into your usual day, without ending up working all hours.
I have a range of paper and digital daily, weekly and yearly planning sheets and to-do list templates available right now that will help you organise and visualise your workload. This allows you to prioritise more easily and keep an eye on your progress as you work through your tasks.
Plan Logistics
Not only does your promotional activity need planning, but you also need to be ready for the logistical side of going from autumn to winter. Work out when your last posting dates before Christmas are, enquire about when your suppliers will be shut over the festive season, and ask your staff, freelancers and other associates what their availability will be too.
The earlier you establish this information, the easier it is to plan ahead for your small business. You will know when you need to order in more supplies to cover closures and whether you need to hire extra help too.
Look After Yourself
Self care is incredibly important at this time of year. The shorter days can negatively affect your mood and the cold weather is tough to handle for some. It is a busy time of year, so you need to be kind to yourself, look after yourself and keep an eye on that work-life balance.
Treat yourself to some nice warm autumn to winter-friendly clothes, make sure that plan is in place and do not hesitate to ask for help or outsource if you need to. The easier you make it for yourself, the better.
Ready to Take Your Business Through Autumn to Winter?
If you are prepared for the busy end to the year, make sure you let me know what you are up to and share any hints or tips that other small business owners can take advantage of. Keep in contact through Instagram and my other social media channels.