The Highs and Lows of Rebranding Your Business

If rebranding your business is something you will embark on in the coming months, you might also be interested in how I found the process. It would have been valuable to have known what to expect. As small business owners, it is so useful to share experiences and help each other out. With that in mind, I’ve put together my highs and lows of business rebranding.
The Highs of Rebranding Your Business
The major high of my business rebrand is the fact that I am delighted with the results. I love everything about it. It was hard work, but looking at my website and the new imagery and branding never fails to put a smile on my face. The rebrand finally slotted everything into place and really expressed exactly what I wanted to say to you all. Rebranding your business gives you that opportunity to take stock of whether you are presenting an accurate picture of your business to your customers.
The name AfroTouch Design tells people exactly what they are going to get; gifts and cards with an African flavour. The satisfaction of being more easily able to reach out to people who struggle to fund suitable products is immense.
As well as being able to raise awareness of the brand to new people, another positive of the rebranding process was being able to share it with my current customers and social media followers. My AfroTouch tribe, as you are now called, were there to bounce ideas off, share your suggestions and support me along the way. It was a joy to have you with me on the business rebranding journey.
I learnt a lot of valuable business lessons during the process too, none more so than the benefits of outsourcing. Having set a six-month plan in place, I knew I had to be focused, disciplined and determined. I soon realised that one of the ways to achieve this was to bring in a virtual assistant to take some of the many tasks off my hands. Having Chloe from Supportal Services on hand proved to me that I didn’t have to do everything by myself, I just needed to prioritise and delegate, and this is something I can implement in my working life going forward.
The other big high of rebranding my business came when I launched the new name and look at the UK Black Business Show. Being able to show off my hard work to people I admire, including current and new customers, was a thrill. To get instant feedback from my peers was so helpful and I met a lot of strangers who have become members of the AfroTouch tribe!
Lows of Rebranding Your Business
One of the biggest lows of rebranding your business is the expense. It is not a cheap endeavour. A new logo, website, marketing materials, merchandise and more all add up and can be almost eye-watering to consider. Of course, it is necessary in order to reap the benefits, but the bills can be daunting early on.
This is especially tough when you realise that rebranding your business doesn’t automatically mean that you will bring in a huge number of new sales. There is always a buzz after rebranding, but it can then drop off and you need to keep working hard in order to create content that engages and draws in new customers. It is not a solution in itself, but a business rebrand is an essential part of a bigger strategy.
Another tough moment of the rebrand was having to recycle thousands of pounds worth of stock bearing the old branding. There were some designs that needed complete rebranding and this was such a long process to go through. I really hate waste, but letting go of some of the old stock helped focus my mind on which designs were more successful than others. Even if I loved a design, I had to drop it, if the numbers just didn’t add up. This helped me streamline my offering and I was able to offer giveaways and free gifts to help offload some of the items.
Thinking of a Business Rebrand?
Hopefully, you are now more clued up on the realities of the business rebrand process. It is difficult but it is worth it. I couldn’t be happier with the results and it definitely made up for the pain. If you have any questions about rebranding your business, feel free to contact me and I’ll try to answer any questions you have.
Enjoy the process, have fun being creative and I’ll talk to you soon.